domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017


You have probably used the term HUMAN RIGHTS a thousand times in your lives. You have probably heard it another thousand times. But,..... 


What are Human Rights exactly?

Broadly speaking, HR are the rights you have simply because you are a human being.  

But, let´s watch an animation video which will help us understand the concept better...

THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS is the world´s premier human rights instrument. Its opening paragraph is a powerful affirmation of the principles that lie at the heart of the modern human rights system:  


"Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights
 of all members of the human family 
is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world."

Yet, a wide gap exists between the articulation of these goals and their accomplishment. Millions are not free. Justice is often inequitable. And peace continues to elude many regions of the world. Bridging the huge gap between the ideal of universal human rights and the reality of widespread human rights violations is what drives human rights advocates.

If you wish to go over a full version of all the 30 human rights from the United Nations website, click HERE.

We will be discussing this new topic in class during the next month o so.


26 comentarios:

  1. everyone should have equal condition in a society.

  2. Very dynamic and interesting! We all must be aware of our rights and of course, make use of them but take into consideration another existing rights, the ones' of the animals and the environment that are equally important.

  3. Really interesting video!!! Everybody have the same rights and we need the same freedom! thank you for sharing it teacher

  4. Of course we should all be granted the same rights!
    However, it is unacceptable that in many parts of the world today, certain basic rights are still being violated. Our concern should be to fight against inequality and injustice!

  5. I loved the graphic design of the video and how it is explaind visually. About the topic I think it is very extensive and complicated to talk about and to have an agreement in common because everybody has not the same point of view. However, when we talk about human rights we can say that you have rights in a limit, you can't pretend to do what you want just only because you have rights, you have to respect other's human rights! (as the video say). But some might disagree with this. Another fact could be the different cultures around the world and we can't agree with many of them. Or, the laws in governments, etc. It's long but interesting to discuss, in fact, I think that's the way 'human rights' were born: discussing issues after things had happened, right?

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. I loved it! I think we should share it, we all should know our rights. There are places where this topic is not spoken or not known and i think that every person in the world must be aware of what we can or cannot do.

  9. It's an amazing and simple video, I liked it very much!
    I have always been interested in this kind of topics.

    It's a fact we cannot guarantee to help everybody, to end up with injustice, hunger, discrimination and all kind of hardships once and for all...People who suffer from hardships doesn't live life as they should, sadly and there's people who have the power to control us as if we were chess pieces.
    Luckily there are a lot of ways to give our support to other human beings.
    We can do our bit by spreading the word or maybe donating to Charity Organizations.

    Personally, I think one of the reasons to live is to make others happy, even with the smallest of the gestures: by sharing my bread, giving a smile or a hug..Maybe I can't make everybody happy, but at least those who I made their day...will as well make my day, too.

  10. There are so many human rights, and I was aware of just a few.

  11. i like the video!. it was very interesting and very well made

  12. I really enjoy every video you post for us, Grace.
    This one in particular.We live in this world,it's the 21st century and sadly the human rights are still violated. What is it take to take real conscious about them? And do something about it. Because we all know that violation against human rights happen but what we do?
    It's unfair that while children die of hunger,other spend money on superficial things.
    There's a lot to talk about this.

  13. This is video is very interesting. And informative of course... i liked it. I agree with erica.. we have a lot to talk about that, and doing something

  14. Wow I it is really a simple and clear video. There are so many human rights that have been violated for many year and nobody takes care about it.....it really serious and deplorable.

  15. I liked the video,clear and easy to understand,but I think there are still rights that are not fulfilled.
    the rights of children,have food,decent clothing and education.

  16. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence sex, national or ethnic, origen, colour, religion, language we are all equally to our entitled rights without descrimination however millions are not free, justice is often inequitable, peace continues to elude many regions of the world.

  17. I enjoyed this video and It is so easy to understand.. I remembered that people said that when my rights begin, it ends for others.
    I think people don't love their brothers and sisters and people like the power. What is more, there are people have been in prison for 20 years for their religion in Russian, for example.
    We must fight for our rights and the others too. But I think that LOVE is the solution.

  18. This is a very real video.If rights were respected,we would have a better word.Still is judged,punished by skin color,sexual lection,religion,etc.I think we must respect each other.Equality for all.

  19. All these seem obvious things,notwithstanding,these are still out of reach of many people around the world.I enjoyed the video and I think it keep us aware of our rights in order not to lose them.

  20. when I first watched it i found it interesting, very dynamic way to resume what human rights are, it would be nice to teach about this to our children!

  21. Tolerance should be encouraged in all aspects of life.

  22. this video makes me reason so much.While i was watching it , i tought that there are many human rights which are not respected.

  23. In spite of the universal declaration of human rights, there are many of them, which unfortunately, are not obeyed. There should be more respect and justice and people should be aware of their rights as human beings.

  24. Hello, I'm studing for the final and if you can please tell me if I must study the thirty articles?

  25. Hello, I'm studing for the final and if you can please tell me if I must study the thirty articles?
