The UN (United Nations) has a department called UNHCR.
It stands for the UN Refugee Agency, that gives assistance, assylum and
protection to people who seek for refuge all over the world.
They have developed this game in order to raise awareness on the topic.
Have a look at the GAME and play it!! Not only will you LEARN MANY
THINGS related to the topic, but also you'll realize why these rights
are so important.
Click below the picture and access to AGAINST ALL ODDS (= CONTRA A VIENTO Y MAREA)
Special thanks to my dear partner Stella Maris for letting me reproduce her blog entry!!!!
After playing the game, leave a message sharing your personal experience with the group. Your experience playing the game may be a topic to talk about in your final examination board.
You have probably used the term HUMAN RIGHTS a thousand times in your lives. You have probably heard it another thousand times. But,.....
What are Human Rights exactly?
Broadly speaking, HR are the rights you have simply because you are a human being.
But, let´s watch an animation video which will help us understand the concept better...
THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS is the world´s premier human rights instrument. Its opening paragraph is a powerful affirmation of the principles that lie at the heart of the modern human rights system:
"Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights
of all members of the human family
is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world."
Yet, a wide gap exists between the articulation of these goals and their accomplishment. Millions are not free. Justice is often inequitable. And peace continues to elude many regions of the world. Bridging the huge gap between the ideal of universal human rights and the reality of widespread human rights violations is what drives human rights advocates.
If you wish to go over a full version of all the 30 human rights from the United Nations website, click HERE.
We will be discussing this new topic in class during the next month o so.