domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017


Resultado de imagen para human rights

The UN (United Nations) has a department called UNHCR. It stands for the UN Refugee Agency, that gives assistance, assylum and protection to people who seek for refuge all over the world.

They have developed this game in order to raise awareness on the topic. Have a look at the GAME and play it!! Not only will you LEARN MANY THINGS related to the topic, but also you'll realize why these rights are so important.

Click below the picture and access to AGAINST ALL ODDS (= CONTRA A VIENTO Y MAREA)

Click HEREto play!

Special thanks to my dear partner Stella Maris for letting me reproduce her blog entry!!!!

After playing the game, leave a message sharing your personal experience with the group. Your experience playing the game may be a topic to talk about in your final examination board.


24 comentarios:

  1. Great!! I'll try it then with the computer! Thank you

  2. The game was interesting, but also very shocking. It's sad to see how people in those situations suffer and all the things they have to go through to live in peace. And how they have to adapt to a new country, new customs and be victims of prejudice and in some cases racism. We're lucky we don't have to live those things but we should be more aware of these problematic situations so we could start to make a change.

    1. Well done Agostina! Interesting ideas and very good use of language!

  3. Really very interesting , eventhough it's a game I felt almost discriminated against , I could not do the part of selecting the items So I could not continue playing , I do not know if there was another way to continue the game !!!! Thank you teacher!!!!

  4. I just can´t believe we had to play a game as a homework. However, it was very interesting and funny!

    1. I can´t believe YOU are so surprised Ignacio! This was not just an entertaining game, was it?

  5. I´ve learnt that, as a refugee, I can be too trusting... It was very shocking

  6. I think it's a really interesting game because you can see what would happen if you are in that situation and ,in some cases,you have to make dangerous choises. The worst part of the game is that it's based on situations which could happen in the real life and I believe that anybody in the world should be in this horrible situation.

    1. Totally agree with you Flor! Thanks for your comment!
      By the way, check the conditional sentence you used in the second line, as well as the word "anybody" in the last line...

    2. it's correct if I say.."if you are in that situation, you will have to make dangerous choises".. and which word can I write instead of "anybody"?

  7. Very interesting game. We had the opportunity to get a notion of what refugees have to go through when they are looking for a new life, because they don´t really have another option.It´s hard, and it´s all about survival for them.they suffer discrimination,pain,fights..and it´s happening nowadays!

    1. Definitely! The idea was to put ourselves in their shoes, at least, for a minute! Thanks for your contribution Belén! You´re a very active participant in our blog...

  8. I really liked the game. I've just only played the part of "War and conflict" the 4 stages. I saw myself involved completely in the game and I had to put up with difficult decisions in my mind as I were a refugee! for example, choosing to take my relatives or not, if trusting someone to escape or not, if leaving someone or not, etc. Difficult decisions as those were real facts!. The worst part for me, was to choose WHAT TO CARRY in the bag!! HAHAHA LOL. 'Cause I always find it hard to make a decision. However, and despite the jokes, I think it's a very important material to share, and to learn how many people around the world manage theirselves to survive everyday. We have to be thankful and READY in case this happened to us someday. Thank you for the game.

  9. Thanks for your enriching contribution Virginia!! You´ve been not only clear with the message, but also very accurate!

  10. Hello teacher, I know it´s late but I have just played this game. It was an interesting way to understand how difficult it´s for refugees trying to addapt to a new place and I also think that it´s unfair, it doesn´t care if you are a good person, or very intelligent, when you are a refugee, natives of your new country treats you like you were nothing. It's sad but It depends on every person, In my case I wouldn't be mean with them. Anyway, I enjoyed this game :)

  11. Very interesting game, i can feel a close emotion or very similar feelinfg that those poeple felt in that situation

  12. Better late than never... We have seen this kind of situation in a lot of movies and we have read about this in a lot of books and newspapers but for sure no one can image these people pain and sorrow. it is very difficult to help them (in any way).

  13. I must admit that this has been,for me, a good chance to feel desperate and hopeless. Through all my "wrong choices" I have experienced for a few seconds the anguish of the ones who are all alone and for whom nothing good is awaiting. Nothing seems safe or known. There is no helping hand. So this is how it feels.
    What came to my mind as I was "playing" the game, were the lyrics of a song that, I think, hit the nail on the head.
    "All alone I go, carrying my grief
    All alone goes my sentence
    My fate is to run
    To dodge the Law
    Lost in the heart
    Of the great Babylon
    They call me Clandestino
    I am the lawbreaker ".
    You probably know the song. I have translated ir from the original (Spanish).

    1. A very interesting contribution to this blog....as usual Juliana! Many thanks!

  14. It is a very interesting game, I loved it!!

  15. Without any doubt this is an incredible game, I didn't expect the opportunity of being in all that people's shoes. I can't believe the web facts, they seem so unreal considering the time that we are living, I think that this game left a lot of us thinking about how lucky we are. Thanks for share it Grace!

  16. I really liked the idea of the game. I would have never thought of it myself to be honest. It's a great way to appeal to younger generations,specially the shcool part: children today feel out of place, without identity, so working with that idea we can help them undestand a bit more the struggle other children face everyday around the world.

    Thank you for this.

  17. I think it was a great opportunity to understand how decisions must be taken at the moment a problem appears. Your life depends on you....
    You should understand the way people live and they should see that you are not a criminal. You are just a refugee or an immigrant trying to begin a new life
